Its Christmas Day!!! I left the hotel around 8am and went home. Nobodys was home when I got there and so I turned on my laptop and talked to friends and relatives while waiting for the malls to open at 11. I'm buying a charger for my BB so I would be able to use ut again. Sayang niload ko eh haha!
The weather outside is quite cloudy and I think its going to rain. I took a bath and then went outside to buy my charger and a box of chocolate for my housemates. When I went back home, still no ones around.
That Christmas day, sailormoon friend promised to accompany me and entertain ourselves wherever out feet will take us. Around 3pm, I left the house and took a bus going to Orchard. As usual! Haha! I was wearing a dress that day! Haha! Friend was wearing skirt and so we were matching clothes ;) I grabbed some Happy Lemon on my way to meet her.
Our first stop is of course, A&F!!! Awesome Figures!!! Lol! We greeted our boyfriends a Merry Christmas first! Haha! We lined up to have a photo with this cutie hihihi... We were doing window shopping and taking our sweet time as we inhale the scent of the store, wtf, I am really addicted now to FIERCE! Can't wait for my cousin who's in the USA to come home and hand me my bottle of Fierce hihihi... On our way out, we noticed that the shirtless model was a new one and since there's no one taking photo with him, we went to the photographer and asked for another picture with this new guy. He's a local and he is so tall and CUTE! Waaaa! Awesome Figure! The camera ran out of photo paper so while the photographer was getting new photo papers, the hunk beside us asked for our names and shook our hands! Shit! Haha! His smile is sooooo nice! I loooove Abercrombie & Fitch to death! Haha! We went out not empty handed, coz we have 2 photos from the hunks! Wahahaha!
We rode the bus going to the church and heard mass. While inside the church I was feeling guilty because I don't have a christmas gift for myself yet! I was thinking of getting a shirt from A&F so I can breathe already. LOL. So we went back to Abercrombie. We were hoping that the shirtless greeter there is a new guy, but its still Mr. Smiley. Haha! First stop is the perfume section! Hihi! Spray again! Ha!
I took this this white shirt for womens that is very similar to the guys'. Same design that the A&F shirtless guys were wearing on the photo that I saw online haha! Stalker! :)) We were taking again our time coz we still can't decide where to go afterwards. I felt very happy holding that white shirt even though I haven't paid for it yet! Sprayed FIERCE on the shirt and on our dress! Haha! Crazy night indeed!
Finally we've decided to go to Clarke Quay to do boy hunting, lol, side seeing lang. Hehe. On our way to the train station, we saw one uncle selling this stuffs that lights up! There were santa hat pins, headbands, wands, and deer horns! We bought this cute santa hairclip and put it on our hair. It has colorful lights! Haha! Super cute! Only few were wearing those stuffs. Haha! Most people that we saw on our way were looking at our clips! Feeling celebrity? Haha!
We were so tired from walking around clarke quay and so we've decided to grab something to eat and sit down. We were exchanging stories while eating and chatting to our own friends on the phone. I had an adventure on my way home! Damn, I just donated SG$30 that night! Damn taxi! -_-
Me and sailormoon friend have a lot of common interests in life! Bwahaha! We really are good friends now and we're partners in crime. Thank God that I met her in Singapore! I can't imagine what I was doing on Christmas day if she's not around. Haha! Drama? :p I remember the day before Christmas, I was feeling down and I was posting emo stuffs on facebook when she called me up and told me that she'll entertain me on Christmas day! Haha! Thank you friend! I love you!
Merry Christmas! Happy Birthday Jesus!
Sabado, Disyembre 31, 2011
Martes, Disyembre 27, 2011
Christmas Eve
Its Christmas eve! And I still don't know if ill be joining ate friend and her mom and sister (my hs friend) on the night before Christmas. They're here for vacation and so ate friend invited me to join them on their "noche buena" at the hotel.
That morning they were at the Universal Studios and so I told her that ill just meet up with them on the night. I was so lazy that morning. I video chat with some relatives in another country and my family. Ate friend sounds tired and busy on her replies and so I felt like maybe they'll be just sleeping on Christmas eve. I'm already dressed and so I posed for some photos with my hommies before leaving the house. I was trying to set my mind that I might just stay at home on xmas eve instead of going to ate friend's hotel.
I've decided to go to Orchard and check out H&M sale stuffs. Of course I visited A&F and sprayed FIERCE again on my phone! Lol! I know I'm addicted to the scent haha... I rode the bus going the this church near Raffles City. The mass was over when I got there and so I just sat there and say my prayers. ^_^
I was by myself that day and good thing some friends were keeping me company by exchanging stories with me through the phone.
I was on my way to the train station going home when Ate friend said they're on the Hotel already and she wants me to go there. Good thing it's only 1 station away, she met me at the station coz she still wants to buy some food for the night.
When we got to the hotel, I was so excited to see my highschool bff! And my gosh! She's bigger than me already, like what happened!? Haha! Anyway, she's still the same but I think she became more anti-social since we started college. Oh well, atleast we still keep in touch with each other :)
My phone's battery is almost dead, good thing ate friend has her charger. I was still chatting with my "little drummer boy" but then the signal inside the hotel is so low. Damn! He's so nice to keep me company that day till evening haha... sweet!
We were eating the food already even though its not yet 12am! Haha! Ya, were hungry hehe. It sucks coz we did not took photos! Highschool bff is like her other sister, they don't like taking photographs!!! Boohoo... I tried to convince her but I failed... Well, we have a picture but her face was covered with her hair! Owkeiii...
We had pizza, chicken, doughnuts, cookies, barbecue and cupcakes that evening. Still chatting with some friends on my iPhone... My BlackBerry died already, I was on BBM with some friends and cousin. I wasn't able to send christmas greetings to friends and relatives overseas when the phone died. Boo! And what sucks the most is that my charger exploded that morning! WTF... I only greeted one person using my Philippine sim! Guess who! Haha! :D
Its past 1am already and hs bff and her mom was asleep already! Ate friend was still awake with her laptop on. I told her that ill be leaving already when her mom wokes up and convinced me to just stay over the night and just go home in the morning. Okay! That was the mommy, and I have to listen. LOL. My little drummer boy was still waiting for few more hours before Christmas. I told him that I am very thankful for what he did haha! I've said my goodnight and promised to greet him Merry Christmas in the morning later...
I thought I was going to be alone... Thank you so much Lord! :)
Happy Birthday Jesus! :)
That morning they were at the Universal Studios and so I told her that ill just meet up with them on the night. I was so lazy that morning. I video chat with some relatives in another country and my family. Ate friend sounds tired and busy on her replies and so I felt like maybe they'll be just sleeping on Christmas eve. I'm already dressed and so I posed for some photos with my hommies before leaving the house. I was trying to set my mind that I might just stay at home on xmas eve instead of going to ate friend's hotel.
I've decided to go to Orchard and check out H&M sale stuffs. Of course I visited A&F and sprayed FIERCE again on my phone! Lol! I know I'm addicted to the scent haha... I rode the bus going the this church near Raffles City. The mass was over when I got there and so I just sat there and say my prayers. ^_^
I was by myself that day and good thing some friends were keeping me company by exchanging stories with me through the phone.
I was on my way to the train station going home when Ate friend said they're on the Hotel already and she wants me to go there. Good thing it's only 1 station away, she met me at the station coz she still wants to buy some food for the night.
When we got to the hotel, I was so excited to see my highschool bff! And my gosh! She's bigger than me already, like what happened!? Haha! Anyway, she's still the same but I think she became more anti-social since we started college. Oh well, atleast we still keep in touch with each other :)
My phone's battery is almost dead, good thing ate friend has her charger. I was still chatting with my "little drummer boy" but then the signal inside the hotel is so low. Damn! He's so nice to keep me company that day till evening haha... sweet!
We were eating the food already even though its not yet 12am! Haha! Ya, were hungry hehe. It sucks coz we did not took photos! Highschool bff is like her other sister, they don't like taking photographs!!! Boohoo... I tried to convince her but I failed... Well, we have a picture but her face was covered with her hair! Owkeiii...
We had pizza, chicken, doughnuts, cookies, barbecue and cupcakes that evening. Still chatting with some friends on my iPhone... My BlackBerry died already, I was on BBM with some friends and cousin. I wasn't able to send christmas greetings to friends and relatives overseas when the phone died. Boo! And what sucks the most is that my charger exploded that morning! WTF... I only greeted one person using my Philippine sim! Guess who! Haha! :D
Its past 1am already and hs bff and her mom was asleep already! Ate friend was still awake with her laptop on. I told her that ill be leaving already when her mom wokes up and convinced me to just stay over the night and just go home in the morning. Okay! That was the mommy, and I have to listen. LOL. My little drummer boy was still waiting for few more hours before Christmas. I told him that I am very thankful for what he did haha! I've said my goodnight and promised to greet him Merry Christmas in the morning later...
I thought I was going to be alone... Thank you so much Lord! :)
Happy Birthday Jesus! :)
Linggo, Disyembre 25, 2011
Abercrombie & Fitch Singapore
It's December 15 already and I have work! Tsk... Abercrombie & Fitch's opening at Orchard! Good thing I will be out around 6pm, not really the good though coz its late already. While in school, I can't help but google the A&F boys and the happenings at the opening event. Some posted pictures on twitter showing the very long queue going inside the shop. Plus the shirtless greeters on the entrance, well there's only one shirtless guy and the others were all dressed up. Haha! Corny! Tsk...
I was so excited to get out of work! So when the clock struck at 6, I quickly grabbed my things and said goodbye to the teachers and students. I was walking very fast going to the MRT station. I already transferred to the red line when a college friend called me up to update me on the A&F boys. I told her that I am already on my way to the store and so I asked her where she is and that she should come with me!!! I convinced her to go with me but she's like 5-8 stations away still.
OMG, the outside of the store was filled with onlookers and a long queue of people wanting to go inside. As I drew closer to the entrance, trying to peak on what's happening inside, I smelled the scent of the store and I was like "WHAT THE HELL!? I can smell paradise!!! Woot wooot" amoy pogi! That was the perfume worn by the guys when they were all half naked outside the store! SHIT!
OMFG because the guys who were at the entrance greeting costumers were non other than those hunks. The shirtless greeters were not half naked anymore. LOL.
I joined the queue while waiting for friend. 10 minutes passed and friend was still on her way. Then I noticed some other people who just walks in the store without queue-ing! Woah! Then one sales guy announced that the queue is for those who wants to take photo with the hunk. Okay, of course I did not get out of the line! Haha! Good thing it was this cutie who was there for the photo! Hihi...
Friend was already nearby and I was already inside the club, oops, I mean the store haha. The inside was sooo cool and it smells sooooooo nice <3 haha! I was checking out the stuffs there and the prices were sooo high. Boohoo! But then you can see the line on the cashier was so long! Wow! Haha! I went outside to meet friend and when she got there she was so haggard already haha! Friend was eyeing this Malaysian hunk who's greeting costumers on this side of the store. I was daring myself to ask this other hunk "pretty boy" coz he's cute, if we can take a photo with him there on the spot. He said they're not allowed to, but if there's no other staffs around maybe a quick snapshot will do. He's so nice to say that but then this girl, well a staff, went to us and said no picture taking anymore. Lol. Whatever. Okay, no photo was taken but that moment with pretty boy is already priceless.
I was like touring friend around when I hunted down the perfume booth that the guys used while they where all posing shirtless outside. Another hunk went to us and tried to play with us by "spraying" the cologne on out faces. Well it was just a joke haha! He said we should get that perfume! Wooot! I will! But when I checked the price, omg, it's too much! *cries I was savoring every moment that night already! Haha!
We went to the second floor and checked out the shirts and sweaters. Waaa! I wanted that green or black or red cardigan! *cries Its so expensive. Bow. We went downstairs and saw friend's crush. They talked and so I left them so she could have her moment with him. I was spraying that perfume again on this card and this time I kept it at the back of my iphone's case. Haha! I noticed that the model for photo-taking was a new guy and so I convinced friend to queue with me outside so I can have one more photo! Hihi... She said she doesn't like the guy and so I posed with this hunk without friend. When the photographer was about to take the photo, she suddenly signaled hunk that there's no more film or whatever you call it. Haha! I was like, "what? No picture for me anymore? :(" I was about to take my bag when hunk comes to me and said "wait, I'm not done with you yet" bwahahaha! Okay! I dropped my bag and posed again! Lol! We went back inside and this time we saw this Japanese cutie! He was posted on this another perfume booth. Me and friend were talking when pretty-boy walked passed us to return the bottle of perfume. He said his hi and then stayed beside me, as in he is standing beside me!!! Rubbing elbows! Lol! We were talking to him, the two of us (me standing with pretty boy) facing friend. I am so ready for a picture with him but then there's a lot of other staffs around. Tsk. Pretty boy excused himself and so our eyes went to Japanese cutie again, and this time he's not alone! Mr. Handsome was there! The one who hugged me on one of my photos with the A&F guys! Shit! Haha! Ofcourse he entertained us and so I dared my self to ask for his name. He said his name is John, John Smith and another staff nearby laughed. I was like, "wait a minute John Smith is the founder of basketball!". He laughed at me and he said his last name starts with letter K. Okay foyn! Haha! He's so handsome!!! Another "moment in paradise" haha! I was so distracted already when friend said she wants to go downstairs. We found Malaysian hunk again there and they talked again. Okay, I was at the perfume section again haha! When we went upstairs we were staring at the mannequin's outfit and talk about skirts and other stuffs. I heard someone beside me talking about getting or trying on the outfit while facing friend. When I turned to my left side my heart jumped! OMFG! Its Mr. Handsome trying to join our conversation! OMG! Its too much already haha, my heart is overjoyed! LOL!
What an incredible experience at A&F! I'll be getting your products soon, from the US haha coz its cheaper there ahaha! I was sending messages to my cousin in the US who works in an A&F branch telling her about my experiences here in Singapore! Haha! Yes, I am a fan of Abercrombie & Fitch, a big fan already! And I am addicted to Fierce! <3
I was so excited to get out of work! So when the clock struck at 6, I quickly grabbed my things and said goodbye to the teachers and students. I was walking very fast going to the MRT station. I already transferred to the red line when a college friend called me up to update me on the A&F boys. I told her that I am already on my way to the store and so I asked her where she is and that she should come with me!!! I convinced her to go with me but she's like 5-8 stations away still.
OMG, the outside of the store was filled with onlookers and a long queue of people wanting to go inside. As I drew closer to the entrance, trying to peak on what's happening inside, I smelled the scent of the store and I was like "WHAT THE HELL!? I can smell paradise!!! Woot wooot" amoy pogi! That was the perfume worn by the guys when they were all half naked outside the store! SHIT!
OMFG because the guys who were at the entrance greeting costumers were non other than those hunks. The shirtless greeters were not half naked anymore. LOL.
I joined the queue while waiting for friend. 10 minutes passed and friend was still on her way. Then I noticed some other people who just walks in the store without queue-ing! Woah! Then one sales guy announced that the queue is for those who wants to take photo with the hunk. Okay, of course I did not get out of the line! Haha! Good thing it was this cutie who was there for the photo! Hihi...
so gay! tsk!
Friend was already nearby and I was already inside the club, oops, I mean the store haha. The inside was sooo cool and it smells sooooooo nice <3 haha! I was checking out the stuffs there and the prices were sooo high. Boohoo! But then you can see the line on the cashier was so long! Wow! Haha! I went outside to meet friend and when she got there she was so haggard already haha! Friend was eyeing this Malaysian hunk who's greeting costumers on this side of the store. I was daring myself to ask this other hunk "pretty boy" coz he's cute, if we can take a photo with him there on the spot. He said they're not allowed to, but if there's no other staffs around maybe a quick snapshot will do. He's so nice to say that but then this girl, well a staff, went to us and said no picture taking anymore. Lol. Whatever. Okay, no photo was taken but that moment with pretty boy is already priceless.
I was like touring friend around when I hunted down the perfume booth that the guys used while they where all posing shirtless outside. Another hunk went to us and tried to play with us by "spraying" the cologne on out faces. Well it was just a joke haha! He said we should get that perfume! Wooot! I will! But when I checked the price, omg, it's too much! *cries I was savoring every moment that night already! Haha!
We went to the second floor and checked out the shirts and sweaters. Waaa! I wanted that green or black or red cardigan! *cries Its so expensive. Bow. We went downstairs and saw friend's crush. They talked and so I left them so she could have her moment with him. I was spraying that perfume again on this card and this time I kept it at the back of my iphone's case. Haha! I noticed that the model for photo-taking was a new guy and so I convinced friend to queue with me outside so I can have one more photo! Hihi... She said she doesn't like the guy and so I posed with this hunk without friend. When the photographer was about to take the photo, she suddenly signaled hunk that there's no more film or whatever you call it. Haha! I was like, "what? No picture for me anymore? :(" I was about to take my bag when hunk comes to me and said "wait, I'm not done with you yet" bwahahaha! Okay! I dropped my bag and posed again! Lol! We went back inside and this time we saw this Japanese cutie! He was posted on this another perfume booth. Me and friend were talking when pretty-boy walked passed us to return the bottle of perfume. He said his hi and then stayed beside me, as in he is standing beside me!!! Rubbing elbows! Lol! We were talking to him, the two of us (me standing with pretty boy) facing friend. I am so ready for a picture with him but then there's a lot of other staffs around. Tsk. Pretty boy excused himself and so our eyes went to Japanese cutie again, and this time he's not alone! Mr. Handsome was there! The one who hugged me on one of my photos with the A&F guys! Shit! Haha! Ofcourse he entertained us and so I dared my self to ask for his name. He said his name is John, John Smith and another staff nearby laughed. I was like, "wait a minute John Smith is the founder of basketball!". He laughed at me and he said his last name starts with letter K. Okay foyn! Haha! He's so handsome!!! Another "moment in paradise" haha! I was so distracted already when friend said she wants to go downstairs. We found Malaysian hunk again there and they talked again. Okay, I was at the perfume section again haha! When we went upstairs we were staring at the mannequin's outfit and talk about skirts and other stuffs. I heard someone beside me talking about getting or trying on the outfit while facing friend. When I turned to my left side my heart jumped! OMFG! Its Mr. Handsome trying to join our conversation! OMG! Its too much already haha, my heart is overjoyed! LOL!
secret snapshot of Mr. Handsome and his slaves lol
What an incredible experience at A&F! I'll be getting your products soon, from the US haha coz its cheaper there ahaha! I was sending messages to my cousin in the US who works in an A&F branch telling her about my experiences here in Singapore! Haha! Yes, I am a fan of Abercrombie & Fitch, a big fan already! And I am addicted to Fierce! <3
Sabado, Disyembre 17, 2011
shirtless greeters
It was last Friday, December 9 when my friend from work showed me the yahoo news on Abercrombie Singapore's opening on the 15th. I told her that we should go there because some hunks will be there.
We don't have work on the following Monday and so I've decided to hunt down this warehouse sale somewhere near the circle line. I was just depending on my iPhone's map and I saw that the sale is quite near to the train station. I was walking with my map on and WTF, it's so far pala. Most of the buildings that I passed by were factories and warehouses. Since I don't have anything to do on that day, I kept on walking till I reach my destination. It was Bandai and Sanrio's warehouse sale. A lot of toys from $3 were there! I was looking for the Gundam Wing and Gundam Seed robots but they were not there. :( I just went to the Sanrio items and dug up some cheap stuffs. Haha! I rode a bus to the train station. I'm so tired and haven't had my lunch. It was past 3pm when I got home, I had my very late lunch on the bus interchange before going home. I change into my sleep wear and dove into my bed. I was browsing some stuffs on my phone while lying down. I was feeling sleepy around 4pm and so i put down my phone and tried to take a nap. After a few seconds, my phone beeped and it was a message with a PICTURE from my friend!
We don't have work on the following Monday and so I've decided to hunt down this warehouse sale somewhere near the circle line. I was just depending on my iPhone's map and I saw that the sale is quite near to the train station. I was walking with my map on and WTF, it's so far pala. Most of the buildings that I passed by were factories and warehouses. Since I don't have anything to do on that day, I kept on walking till I reach my destination. It was Bandai and Sanrio's warehouse sale. A lot of toys from $3 were there! I was looking for the Gundam Wing and Gundam Seed robots but they were not there. :( I just went to the Sanrio items and dug up some cheap stuffs. Haha! I rode a bus to the train station. I'm so tired and haven't had my lunch. It was past 3pm when I got home, I had my very late lunch on the bus interchange before going home. I change into my sleep wear and dove into my bed. I was browsing some stuffs on my phone while lying down. I was feeling sleepy around 4pm and so i put down my phone and tried to take a nap. After a few seconds, my phone beeped and it was a message with a PICTURE from my friend!
(Photo from friend: eto sila!!!!)
I was lying down on the bed when I got this photo and I was like OMG WTF! I got up and asked friend if she took that photo just now. She said yes and after that I found myself going out of the bed with this very exciting feeling while dialing friend's number. She said that the boys are still there but she doesnt know what time they will be gone. She's already on her way home with her other friend and so I called up sailormoon friend who haven't took a bath and who's making emo on facebook that morning. I told her on the phone "oy! kilala mo ba si Ken, yung partner ni Barbie!? Kung oo, tara kita tayo sa Orchard, magbibihis lang ako at lilipad na ako doon, kasi ang daming nakakalat na KEN ngayon dun!!!" She sounds sleepy and lazy and she said alright, she'll just take a very quick shower.
I was waiting for my bus which will take 20minutes to arrive when friend called me up. I thought she's backing out already but then our friend posted that HOT photo on her facebook and tagged us and so sailormoon friend became very excited. She told me that she never thought that she's meeting me because we will just meet. She said that it never occurred to her that what I was describing on the phone call was about HUNKS on the streets! So after she saw the photo tag, we were exchanging curses (murahan) about the photo! bwahahaha! I was already inside the bus and I can already imagine what I will do when I see those boys. I was even thinking that maybe when I get there the boys were already gone. Haaay...
The bus was already near the place where the shirtless greeters are! I can see them from a far and as the bus draws closer to the venue I was like OMFG!!!
There's a bunch of people posing with the hotties. Where are you friend!!! Haha! I wanted to take photos already haha. I called her up and she said she's about to go down from the train but still needs to walk like 5-10mins. I told her to run because the guys might leave already hahaha!
90% of those shirtless dudes were good looking and so I was already choosing which guys should I take a photo with. It's so hard to decide when they were all so handsome! So whoever is not being attacked by the crowd, me and friend attacks! Haha! Picture-picture! My first photo with this group of macho men haha...

I was feeling shy, nervous and excited as I walk closer to this guys. I was pointing out the guys that I wanna have a photo with! Waaa! Eenie meenie mini mo! I was posing already with this hunk when friend shouted "hug!!!" I wasn't able to hear her at first but then i think Mr. Handsome got it right away. I was turning to friend to ask what she just said when Mr. Handsome suddenly wrapped his arms around me!!! OMFG!!! Hahaha!!! I was so shy that I can't even look on his face! Shit! :)) So I hugged him back and smiled at the camera! OMG I feel like being pervert! LOL! He smells so good and I can feel hiw warmth! LOL! It's my first time to hug a stranger for a picture and take note he's handsome, tall, shirtless, and super macho! Hohoho! Early Christmas gift!

My friend likes the asians more than the european and americans! haha! That's one good thing because we won't be fighting over this guy or whatever haha!
We were taking our time as we walk back and forth and back and forth and back and forth in front of the soon-to-open A&F store with the shirtless guys outside! We were actually having a hard time choosing our guy! bwahaha! 2-3 dozen of handsome guys! OMFG... haha!

Good thing there were other A&F people who were there to take photos for us! haha!
We were still loafing around and trying to feel the hotness of those hunks haha! We were still looking for a guy to take a photo with when they started marching going up to the hotel. It's over already! Fuck! haha! Bye boys! Hope to see you again!
Walking to the train station, me and friend were like walking in the moon! We're floating! hihihi... I told friend that we should grab Happy Lemon before going home! haha! We had Happy Lemon and went on our separate ways. What a day! ^_^ December 12, 2011 is love! haha! Will stalk those boys.. hohoho!
I was waiting for my bus which will take 20minutes to arrive when friend called me up. I thought she's backing out already but then our friend posted that HOT photo on her facebook and tagged us and so sailormoon friend became very excited. She told me that she never thought that she's meeting me because we will just meet. She said that it never occurred to her that what I was describing on the phone call was about HUNKS on the streets! So after she saw the photo tag, we were exchanging curses (murahan) about the photo! bwahahaha! I was already inside the bus and I can already imagine what I will do when I see those boys. I was even thinking that maybe when I get there the boys were already gone. Haaay...
The bus was already near the place where the shirtless greeters are! I can see them from a far and as the bus draws closer to the venue I was like OMFG!!!
There's a bunch of people posing with the hotties. Where are you friend!!! Haha! I wanted to take photos already haha. I called her up and she said she's about to go down from the train but still needs to walk like 5-10mins. I told her to run because the guys might leave already hahaha!
90% of those shirtless dudes were good looking and so I was already choosing which guys should I take a photo with. It's so hard to decide when they were all so handsome! So whoever is not being attacked by the crowd, me and friend attacks! Haha! Picture-picture! My first photo with this group of macho men haha...
I was feeling shy, nervous and excited as I walk closer to this guys. I was pointing out the guys that I wanna have a photo with! Waaa! Eenie meenie mini mo! I was posing already with this hunk when friend shouted "hug!!!" I wasn't able to hear her at first but then i think Mr. Handsome got it right away. I was turning to friend to ask what she just said when Mr. Handsome suddenly wrapped his arms around me!!! OMFG!!! Hahaha!!! I was so shy that I can't even look on his face! Shit! :)) So I hugged him back and smiled at the camera! OMG I feel like being pervert! LOL! He smells so good and I can feel hiw warmth! LOL! It's my first time to hug a stranger for a picture and take note he's handsome, tall, shirtless, and super macho! Hohoho! Early Christmas gift!
My friend likes the asians more than the european and americans! haha! That's one good thing because we won't be fighting over this guy or whatever haha!
We were taking our time as we walk back and forth and back and forth and back and forth in front of the soon-to-open A&F store with the shirtless guys outside! We were actually having a hard time choosing our guy! bwahaha! 2-3 dozen of handsome guys! OMFG... haha!
We were still loafing around and trying to feel the hotness of those hunks haha! We were still looking for a guy to take a photo with when they started marching going up to the hotel. It's over already! Fuck! haha! Bye boys! Hope to see you again!
Walking to the train station, me and friend were like walking in the moon! We're floating! hihihi... I told friend that we should grab Happy Lemon before going home! haha! We had Happy Lemon and went on our separate ways. What a day! ^_^ December 12, 2011 is love! haha! Will stalk those boys.. hohoho!
Miyerkules, Disyembre 14, 2011
record breaking
I don't really drink beer. But since cocktail drinks or mix drinks are so expensive here, napa beer lang naman kami. Me and my housemate's brother is on our flat every weekend. The other week he challenged me to a drinking session and since I don't have anything to do on the coming weekend I said "sure! wag lang beer!" It was already 8pm when we head out to the supermarket to buy our alcohol. Eh puro beer! Shit yan, I don't like beer nga eh. Pero sige na nga... We bought 3 bottles of 3 different beer brand.
I suddenly remembered my very 1st alcohol intake here in SG, it was during a friend's visit, nag hawker kami and he ordered 2 bottles of Heineken! Shit! haha! I told him that i will be drinking just the half of 1 bottle. HAHA! But it really is a big bottle.
Back at home, we started with the 1st bottle, and of course I drink so slow haha! Super bilis nga namin naubos yung 3 bote and imagine 2 lang kami. It was a record breaking experience for me since I never finish a small bottle of beer before! Now I am proud but not so happy about it haha. Bitin! So we went down again and walked to the nearest 24hr store to buy another 2 bottles of unknown beer brand haha.
We were talking about ourselves and of course di mawawala sa topic ko si crush! He gave me advices on guys like crush haha! The truth really hurts, and so me natutunan naman ako sa perspective niya. haha!
I suddenly remembered my very 1st alcohol intake here in SG, it was during a friend's visit, nag hawker kami and he ordered 2 bottles of Heineken! Shit! haha! I told him that i will be drinking just the half of 1 bottle. HAHA! But it really is a big bottle.
Back at home, we started with the 1st bottle, and of course I drink so slow haha! Super bilis nga namin naubos yung 3 bote and imagine 2 lang kami. It was a record breaking experience for me since I never finish a small bottle of beer before! Now I am proud but not so happy about it haha. Bitin! So we went down again and walked to the nearest 24hr store to buy another 2 bottles of unknown beer brand haha.
We were talking about ourselves and of course di mawawala sa topic ko si crush! He gave me advices on guys like crush haha! The truth really hurts, and so me natutunan naman ako sa perspective niya. haha!
Sabado, Disyembre 10, 2011
leave, and get out! haha!
I had my leave last November 28 and 29. I went to the city and toured friend around the Orchard malls. Of course, we had the $1 icecream!
Mall hopping kami, trying to hunt down some shops that are on sale. We were enjoying our walk outside when it rained. We went inside Paragon and nag feeling mayaman kasi puro branded yung shops. We got stranded there because we got no umbrella. Nainipsi friend and so she bought an umbrella. Lakad pa din pero ayaw nya mag picture. Ako pa nga ang turista kasi everytime na may makikita kami na magandang spot for picture taking ako ang tatawagin nya para mag pose! lol!
We reached Plaza Singapura and then Ate meet us there. We had dinner at justacia. Unlimited ice cream and drinks! Wooohooo! I ordered pasta! Yummm!
That day was also my first time to wear chucks, my first ever chucks na nabili ko ng super cheap! Haha! At dahil dun, nagkasugat likod ng paa ko! Ouch haha. But I enjoyed the day! :)
Mall hopping kami, trying to hunt down some shops that are on sale. We were enjoying our walk outside when it rained. We went inside Paragon and nag feeling mayaman kasi puro branded yung shops. We got stranded there because we got no umbrella. Nainipsi friend and so she bought an umbrella. Lakad pa din pero ayaw nya mag picture. Ako pa nga ang turista kasi everytime na may makikita kami na magandang spot for picture taking ako ang tatawagin nya para mag pose! lol!
We reached Plaza Singapura and then Ate meet us there. We had dinner at justacia. Unlimited ice cream and drinks! Wooohooo! I ordered pasta! Yummm!
That day was also my first time to wear chucks, my first ever chucks na nabili ko ng super cheap! Haha! At dahil dun, nagkasugat likod ng paa ko! Ouch haha. But I enjoyed the day! :)
November 27, 2011
A friend who's working as a flight attendant visited her sister here in SG. Younger sister sya ni Ate! I followed them at Resorts World Sentosa and then walked around Vivo City mall. It is my third or fourth time on that mall and that was the only time that I strolled around inside. They say that it is the biggest mall in Singapore. Puro kain kami haha! Oops...
A friend who's working as a flight attendant visited her sister here in SG. Younger sister sya ni Ate! I followed them at Resorts World Sentosa and then walked around Vivo City mall. It is my third or fourth time on that mall and that was the only time that I strolled around inside. They say that it is the biggest mall in Singapore. Puro kain kami haha! Oops...
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