I never met my Lolo, he passed away already before I was born. I think he only met his very first grandson (my oldest cousin who is now 30+ years old) and the rest of us (grandchildren) were wondering what it's like if he was still alive. Our parents were telling us that our Lolo is somewhat strict. Haha!

All of them had their own families except for one of my Aunt who was born special (She really is very special in the heart of each family member). Luckily I was a part of this family. I had a bunch of cousins and most of us grew up together. Even though we're not on the same age group we are all close to each other.

I'm not sure if we had a photo where all of us cousins were present. Some of my cousins were living outside the country so usually it is the cousins who were in the Philippines who is always present in the picture taking. haha.
....the saddest part.... :(
Last June 30, my Lola passed away. It's so hard for me since I am out of the country. I am very close to her since I was one of his grandchildren who always visit her. Well, I live near her place and I also used to live in her house. Also, I never had a chance to have bonding moments with my other Lola (my mom's mother) because she passed away when I was little. So really, I gave all my Lola-Apo moment to my Lola Mameng.
I remember when I was in grade school I always go to her house after school together with my playmates. Even when I was in high school I still visit her from time to time. We love hanging out together outside, on the balcony. We always talk about so many things and sometimes we just sit there outside to let the time pass. There are times where she will tease me that I should be at home helping on the house chores. Then she realize that we had a house helper so it's alright. She also mention that it is nicer to hang out there on their street since most of my friends were living in the area. I grew up seeing her often so I am really attached to her.

When I went to college, I had to stay in Manila every weekdays. Good thing I don't have weekend classes so I was able to come home every Friday night and visit her on either Saturday or Sunday. That's how I love my Lola though we bully her sometimes haha. Me and my other cousins used to ask her to give us money to buy ice cream or whatever.
Whenever there's a gathering at home or outside, we love taking pictures with her and sometimes we give her some props to make her look funny. She will pose as we say and we know that she's having fun whenever we're around her (no pala, because she's also moody sometimes haha).
Good thing I was given the chance to fly home to the Philippines just for the weekend to see her. I did a lot of paper processing so I will be able to go back to work. Thank you Lord!
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