Good thing it was almost 6pm when I left our house with friend going to their place. I spend a little time talking to some of my friends and they were teasing me that they will make me cry on my farewell party. Oh please, don't!!! haha!
The same night I got the reply tweet from Phil Younghusband! hehe...
Me and two of my friends were sitting outside the store. I was really thinking of something else to do than to just sit there. I asked them to walk with me to 7/11 and there we bought slurpee! On our way back, we bumped into our other friend who's on his way to Chowking. He asked us to go with him and so we did. We just waited for his siomai and then we go on our separate ways.
We headed back to friend's place and then to the store to chill out. The two were playing tic-tac-toe and love scan on my iPod. I was just watching them while secretly waiting for crush. :D
Then I heard crush's motorcycle and he's ringing it's bell. HIHIHI... I thought he's not gonna come out anymore when I heard a bell ringing (no motorcycle sound) going on our way. Crush was riding on a bicycle and I thought that's the one that he's assembling. NOT! hahaha... The bike was owned by his brother's friend who's nowhere to be seen. The bike was so nice! I borrowed it from him and I pedal around the street. It was already 8pm. I asked if I can ride at the back but the wheel was kinda flat when we tried to ride together... CORNY! hehe.. Friend borrowed the bike and crush thought of bringing out his ukulele and drums (mini drum). Our other friend went home already so there's only 3 of us left. We sat on the pavement and started to practice singing. Friend was on the other side of crush trying to take pictures! haha! e sang a lot of songs...but we didn't finish every song. HAHA! Crush mentioned that I'm going to miss those kind of moments with them, sitting on the street doing whatever thing.... He even sang a song or a line for me about "leaving or goodbye"... Awww... If you only knew that I'm gonna miss you bigtime! :(
I remembered the night before, he mentioned (fb chat) that he's practicing Lovebug by The Jonas Brothers. I told him that I just downloaded the video and it's one of my favorite songs! :D So there, that night we were trying to play and sing it together. I even recorded our song into my phone... ^_^ How I wish you were my boyfriend! Did I mention before that he's also a good singer? Aside from being a good cook, he can also do carpentry and a lot of other stuffs! hanep! haha! Sorry, I am dreaming again....zzzzzz.... he's kinda hard to reach... i don't know if he already knew that I like him... i can't read his mind and movements... but every time i look at his eyes... i feel so lucky because we're friends and we're that close, but not super close... :) Before, I thought he's gonna feel awkward whenever our friends tease us like a "love team". Good thing he's a good sport. :) I love him more for that! :D
"hopeless, head over heels in the moment...." - a line from the song Love Bug by the Jonas Bros.
and it's JUNE 1 already! :D :( haha, huhu